The Authority #29 - Wildstorm - 2002
The Authority #15 - #22 (RUN of 8x Comics) - Wildstorm - 2000/01
The Authority #14 - Wildstorm - 2000
The Authority #13 - Wildstorm - 2000 - 1st app. Jenny Quantum
The Authority #24 - Wildstorm - 2010
The Authority: Revolution #2 - Wildstorm - 2005
The Authority: Scorched Earth #1 (One-Shot) - WildStorm - 2003
The Authority #1 - WildStorm - 2006 - Arthur Adams 1:50 Sketch Cover
The Authority #9 - Wildstorm Comics - 1999
The Authority #1 - Wildstorm - 2007
The Authority #6 - Wildstorm - 2003
The Authority: Revolution #3 - Wildstorm - 2004