Wildcats: Nemesis #2 (of 9) - Wildstorm - 2005
Wildcats #22 - Wildstorm - 2001
Wildcats #14 - Wildstorm - 2000
Captain Atom: Armageddon #1 (of 9) - Wildstorm - 2005
Majestic #1 - Wildstorm - 2005
Farscape: War Torn #2 (of 2) - Wildstorm - 2002
Stormwatch: Team Achilles #2 - Wildstorm - 2002
Sleeper #3 - Wildstorm - 2003
Stormwatch: Team Achilles #19 - Wildstorm - 2004
A Man Called Kev #5 - Wildstorm - 2007
Wetworks #1 - Wildstorm - 2007
Stormwatch #12 - Wildstorm - 2003
Midnighter #7 - Wildstorm - 2007
Arrowsmith #4 - Wildstorm - 2004
The Resistance #2 - Wildstorm - 2002
The Resistance #1 - Wildstorm - 2002
Extinction Event #5 - Wildstorm - 2004
Deathblow #2 - Wildstorm - 2007
Wildcats: Version 3 #2 - Wildstorm Comics - 2002