A Man Called Kev #1 - Wildstorm - 2006
A Man Called Kev #2 - Wildstorm - 2006
A Man Called Kev #3 - Wildstorm - 2006
A Man Called Kev #4 - Wildstorm - 2006
A Man Called Kev #5 - Wildstorm - 2007
A Man Called Kev #5 - Wildstorm - 2007 - Garth Ennis
Albion #2 - Wildstorm - 2005
Albion #4 - Wildstorm - 2005
Albion #5 - Wildstorm - 2005
Albion #6 - Wildstorm - 2005
American Way #1 2 3 4 7 8 (6x Comics) - Wildstorm - 2005
Arrowsmith #1 - Wildstorm - 2003
Arrowsmith #4 - Wildstorm - 2004
Arrowsmith #6 - Wildstorm - 2004
Astro City #1 - #22 (RUN of 22x Comics) - Wildstorm - 1995/6
Astro City Special #1 - Wildstorm - 2006
Astro City Special: Astra #1 and #2 - Wildstorm - 2009
Astro City Special: Samaritan #1 - Wildstorm - 2006
Astro City Special: Silver Agent #1 and #2 - Wildstorm - 2010
Astro City Special: Supersonic #1 - Wildstorm - 2004