Incognito #1 - #5 (5x Comic LOT) - Icon Comics - Brubaker Phillips
Inhumans Vs X-Men #0 to #6 (Full Set)
Ivar, Timewalker #1-12 SET - Valiant Comics - 2015
Justice League America #37 - #44 (8 x Comics RUN) - DC Comics - 1988
Justice League International #13 - #18 (6x Comics RUN) - DC Comics - 1988
Justice League International #20 - #22 (3x Comics RUN) - DC Comics - 1988
Kirby: Genesis #0 - #4 (5x Comic Set) - Dynamite - 2009
New Man #1 2 3 4 (Set of 4) - Image Comics - 1996
Nova #1- #36 + Annual (Full Series x37 Comics) - Marvel - 2007
Omega Flight #1 2 3 4 5 (Full Set) - Marvel Comics - 2007
Power Of Shazam #1 - #3 (Lot of 3x Comics) - DC Comics - 1995
Power Of The Atom #1 - #16 (Lot of 16x Comics) - DC Comics - 1988/1989
Project Superpowers #1-7 - Dynamite - 2008
Rising Stars: Bright #1- #3 (3x Comic SET) - Top Cow/Image - 2003
Rising Stars: Voices Of The Dead #1- #6 (6x Comic SET) - Top Cow - 2005
Saviors #1 - #5 (5 x Comic Set) - Image Comics - 2013
Scouts Honor #1 - #5 (Set of 5 Comics) - Aftershock - 2021
Soldier Zero #1 - #12 (12x Comic Set) - Boom! Studios - 2010
Spider-Man: The Power of Terror #1-#4 (Set of 4 x Comics) - Marvel Comics - 1995
Squee! - Set #1 , 2 and 3 - Slave Labor Comics - 1997 - First Prints