Mighty World of Marvel #188 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #190 - Marvel/British Comic - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #191 - Marvel/British Comic - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #193 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #194 - Marvel/British - 1982
Mighty World of Marvel #195 - Marvel/British - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #196 - Marvel/British - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #199 - Marvel Comics - 1976 - 1st Full Wolverine Story
Mighty World of Marvel #2 - Marvel Comics - October 1972
Mighty World of Marvel #20 - Magazine Management - February 1973
Mighty World of Marvel #200 - Marvel/British - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #201 - Marvel/British Comic - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #202 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #204 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #205 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #206 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #207 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #208 - Marvel Comics - 1976
Mighty World of Marvel #21- Marvel Comics - February 1973